Deadline for applications 11am 28th February
Posted on 30th January 202020th February 2020 by Anna Young
The Glasgow Canal Co-operative is pleased to invite proposals for funding from the local community in the North Glasgow Canal area that explore and unlock local heritage.
This 2020 grant is being administered by the Glasgow Canal Co-operative, on behalf of Glasgow City Council, from the National Lottery Heritage Fund. The funding aims to support and empower the local community to undertake heritage activities.
Under this programme you can apply for a minimum of £1,500 to a maximum of £7,000.
This scheme has been designed to encourage:
- the local community, organisations and groups to develop their own initiatives in response to the recently produced Glasgow Canal Heritage and Arts Strategy and its themes;
- a variety of innovative projects;
- ideas to be delivered by community organisations and groups to explore local heritage;
- empowering local people to research and develop activities that they feel ownership of;
- to use heritage to connect with, and welcome, existing residents, new residents moving into the area and to attract visitors; an
- a positive impact on the area, to enhance and promote the Canal and its use by local communities.
The deadline for applications is 11am, Friday 28th February 2020.
Please click the links to four documents which provide more detail on the funding and:
Canal Heritage Project Guidance document
Canal Heritage Project Application Form
Summarised Canal Heritage & Arts Strategy – a summary version of a recently produced strategy which explores the Glasgow Canal area.
Cultural Heritage and Art Strategy – a detailed version of the same strategy which will provide inspiration and suggestions for this funding.
If you are interested in applying please contact Anna Young, Project Manager for the Glasgow Canal Co-operative in the first instance at: